Firezone 1.0
It was born out of necessity -- as an engineer at Cisco I found myself in need of an easy way to deploy and manage a VPN server for security automation. I had used OpenVPN in the past and loathed it, so this time I decided to try a fast, new contender called WireGuard.
While WireGuard itself is a marvelous feat of engineering, it provides only basic building blocks. Users wishing to deploy WireGuard as a replacement for their existing remote access VPN will find themselves building automation to distribute keys, manage users, configure routing tables, and so on.
And I found myself doing just that. It wasn't particularly difficult automation to build, but it was tedious and error-prone. Although the benefits of WireGuard were worth the price of admission, colleagues and I agreed -- wouldn't it be great if a tool existed to do this for us?
So after one particularly grueling refactoring project involving a major dependency in an ancient codebase that had become "suddenly" deprecated, I decided it was time for something new. I resigned, picked up a book on Elixir/Phoenix, and, rejoicing at the opportunity to learn some new tech, started building what became the first version of Firezone.

When we launched on Hacker News nearly two years ago, we never envisioned Firezone to be more than a simple tool for deploying your own WireGuard-based VPN server.
Fast-forward 4,500 GitHub stars, a Y Combinator backed funding round, and 130 releases later -- Firezone has now grown into something more.
We now count over 3,000 Firezone instances running in the wild (possibly much more -- we allow users to disable telemetry) securing private networks for hobbyists, schools, non-profits, and businesses with hundreds of employees.

To be clear, Firezone is successful in large part because WireGuard itself is successful. In an industry brimming with enterprise security bloatware and acronyms galore, WireGuard's a breath of fresh air. It's almost boring how well it works. I suppose I could go on and on about WireGuard's strengths, but I won't. After all, this post is supposed to be about Firezone 1.0.
So let's back up -- what is a VPN anyway, and why is one needed at all? To answer that we'll need to go back in time to the formation of the early Internet.
The purpose of a VPN
You see, the early Internet had only a handful of entities connected to it -- connecting to the Internet was expensive, after all. Typically only banks, universities, and other large institutions could justify the cost.
So when you connected your organization to the Internet and began receiving packets, it was clear which entity it was from based on its allocated IPv4 address range. Since there were so few entities connected, you could easily know who you were communicating with, and who to contact (and blame) in case any issues arose.
But as access to the Internet became cheaper, more types of entities could afford to connect. As more entities connected, the number of resources on the Internet grew, and its value increased quadratically. Soon, all types of entities wanted to connect -- local governments, schools, small businesses. Internet Service Providers began offering connections to mere individuals. Eventually there were so many entities on the Internet that identifying who you were communicating with was no longer trivial. Since you couldn't easily know who you were talking to, you couldn't always trust them to behave.
And thus, firewalls were born. Firewalls keep packets of information out from entities you don't wish to communicate with and let packets in from those you do.
And this worked well for some time. However, the Internet grew even larger (as networks tend to do). And then a problem arose: firewalls required you to know in advance who you'd like to communicate with, adding them to your configuration, and likewise removing the ones you didn't. As you might imagine, it quickly became unwieldy to keep these configurations up to date.
So a clever solution was developed: what if you could dynamically add and remove entities to the firewall configuration, on the fly?
And thus stateful firewalls were born. I should pause here and clarify that stateful firewalls are sometimes confused with Network Address Translation (NAT), since they're often found on the same device. But there's an important distinction: A stateful firewall remembers stuff it's seen in order to to update its configuration dynamically, whereas a NAT device is primarily concerned with static operation.
Stateful firewalls exist in nearly every consumer router and datacenter gateway connected to the Internet today. There's a very high likelihood the Internet connection you're reading this from is behind one or several of them. They've been largely successful at serving their intended purpose.
But this post wouldn't be very interesting if we stopped there.
You see, there's still one fundamental problem with stateful firewalls, particularly as it relates to remote access. For two-way communication to occur, one entity (namely the one "behind" the firewall) must always initiate. This means that entities outside the firewall can never communicate to those inside, even if the outside entities are trusted. To do that, you'd have to add a configuration rule to expect an outside entity to talk in, which means we're back to managing firewall configurations again.
This is where VPNs come in. A VPN disguises an outside entity as an inside one, thereby allowing communication by default.
After the firewall authenticates the outside entity, they both agree to package up the information packets between each other so that the Internet routers in between forward them properly. This creates a kind of network within a network: the original packets with their network attributes are packaged into another packet with more network attributes, thus giving this technology its name: Virtual Private Network.
So a VPN is just a technology that authenticates an outside, untrusted entity to a protected network. And WireGuard is the best VPN technology we have so far. As far as VPNs go, there's nothing faster, more secure, or more robust.
The challenge with trust
But there's a security risk with this arrangement: once the outsider is authenticated, all of the entities inside the firewall perimeter now trust its packets completely. What if an untrusted entity managed to obtain a VPN connection? One misconfiguration, stolen credential, or hijacked connection would result in a perimeter breach. Not good.
The solution to this problem is aptly named Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA). The idea with ZTA is to do away with using network zone (or perceived network zone in the case of a VPN) for determining whether to trust communication. All network zones are considered untrusted by default. Suddenly the network perimeter we had before vanishes -- inside and outside entities are equally untrusted.
Then how does an entity come to be trusted? We still authenticate them as usual, but there's a key difference: with ZTA, we authenticate entities each time the communication is requested, on the fly. Not once at the perimeter. And since the perimeter is gone, the protected entity itself (or a proxy) authenticates the untrusted entity. But wait, hold on a minute -- what happened to the firewall?
This presents a dilemma. If we use a firewall to protect entities, they're shielded outside the perimeter, but left unprotected inside the perimeter. And if we choose ZTA, we only trust entities we've authenticated directly, but must expose ourselves to all outside entities in order to do so.
The solution
Firezone solves this problem with a third entity, called an access broker, which works as follows:
- The protected entity is deployed behind a stateful firewall.
- The protected entity then initiates and maintains a bi-directional control channel to the broker.
- Whenever an untrusted entity wants access to the protected resource, it notifies the broker.
- If the broker determines access is granted, it notifies the protected entity that the now-trusted entity is allowed in.
- The protected entity then initiates communication to the now-trusted entity directly. The stateful firewall's configuration is dynamically updated, allowing communication to happen from the now-trusted entity to the protected entity.
So we're able to both authenticate the untrusted entity at the time of request, yet also keep our protected entity behind a firewall to keep it invisible to the public Internet. In fact, both entities can live behind a stateful firewall and this technique would still work -- the principles are the same.
As it turns out, this approach is nothing new. It's how web browsers and VoIP systems have established peer to peer connections for low-latency audio and video chat for over a decade.
Firezone 1.0 not only makes this process seamless for connectivity, but also goes one step further by exposing granular controls to allow or deny access based on attributes like which group a user is a member of and so on.
Of course if you wanted to use Firezone 1.0 like a traditional perimeter-based VPN and then transition to finer-grained access controls over time, you can do that as well. We understand the realities of legacy processes and systems, so we designed 1.0 to be flexible enough to suit the needs of both.
While we were at it, we decided to build a slew of new features for 1.0 in addition to the architecture improvements laid out in this post. Most notably, a cloud-managed admin portal, native clients, and high availability support. But there's much more. Check our product roadmap for more details on what's coming in 1.0.
Next steps
To help ensure a bug-free experience for our users, we'll be rolling out 1.0 in phases, starting with an early access preview aiming to launch mid-Q3 of this year. If you're interesting in joining the early access program, head here to fill out the form and we'll be in touch.
Until then, feel free to follow our roadmap or watch our GitHub repository for updates. Comments welcome!