#8124 Fixes a bug in the routing of DNS resources that would lead to "Source not allowed" errors in the Client logs.
#8225 Caches successful DNS queries for DNS resource domains for 30 seconds.
Previous Gateway versions
#7944 Fixes an edge case where a busy Gateway could experience a deadlock due to a busy or unresponsive TUN device.
#8070 Only write logs using ANSI-escape codes if the underlying output stream supports it.
#7567 Fixes an issue where ICMPv6's `PacketTooBig' errors were not correctly translated by the NAT64 module.
#7565 Fails early in case the binary is not started as `root` or with the `CAP_NET_ADMIN` capability. The check can be skipped with `--no-check`.
#7210 Adds support for GSO (Generic Segmentation Offload), delivering throughput improvements of up to 60%.
#7398 Fixes cases where client applications such as ssh would fail to automatically determine the correct IP protocol version to use (4/6).
#7449 Uses multiple threads to read & write to the TUN device, greatly improving performance. The number of threads can be controlled with `FIREZONE_NUM_TUN_THREADS` and defaults to 2.
#7479 Fixes an issue where SSH connections involving NAT64 failed to establish.
#7263 Mitigates a crash in case the maximum packet size is not respected.
#7334 Fixes an issue where symmetric NATs would generate unnecessary candidate for hole-punching.
#7120 Silences several unnecessary warnings from the WireGuard library.
#7341 Disconnects from non-compliant TURN servers.
#8477 Fixes an issue where the app would not auto-connect on launch.
Previous macOS / iOS versions
#8421 Applies the search domain configured in the admin portal, if any.
#8282 Shows friendlier and more-human alert messages when something goes wrong.
#8286 Fixes a bug that prevented certain Resource fields from being updated when they were updated in the admin portal.
#8251 Fixes an issue where the update checker would not properly notify the user about new updates available on macOS.
#8248 Fixes a crash on macOS that could occur when an application update become available.
#8249 Fixes a regression that caused a crash if "Open menu" was clicked in the Welcome screen.
#8202 Fixes a crash that occurred if the system reports invalid DNS servers.
#8237 Fixes a minor memory leak that would occur each time you sign in.
#8122 Fixes a rare crash that could occur when dismissing the update available notification.
#8104 Fixes a minor memory leak that could occur after being unexpectedly disconnected.
#8091 Fixes a bug that prevented exporting logs from the macOS app more than once.
#8090 Improves app launch time by asynchronously loading icons upon app launch.
#8066 Improves MenuBar list responsiveness on macOS.
#8064 Fixes a bug that might cause the UI process to crash when the Resource list is updated.
#7996 No longer shows an error dialog if the sign in process is canceled.
Fixes a few minor UI hangs.
#7890 Fixes a minor memory leak that occurred when roaming networks.
#8091 Fixes a bug that prevented exporting logs from the macOS app more than once.
#7891 Substantially reduces the amount of memory usage when sending large amount of data to many different Gateways.
Improves UX around installing the system extension, VPN configuration, and granting notifications by showing the user actionable alerts if errors occur.
#7581 Adds download links and CI configuration to publish the macOS app as a standalone package.
#7344 The macOS app now uses a System Extension instead of an App Extension for tunneling. This is needed for the app to be distributed outside of the Mac App Store.
#7594 Fixes a race condition that could cause the app to crash in rare circumstances if the VPN profile is removed from system settings while the app is running.
#7593 Fixes a bug where the VPN status would not properly update upon the first launch of the app.
#7334 Fixes an issue where certain NAT types would cause excessive signaling traffic which led to connectivity issues.
Makes use of the new control protocol, delivering faster and more robust connection establishment.
#7477 Improves connection setup latency by buffering initial packets.
#7551 Fixes an issue where large DNS responses were incorrectly discarded.
#7288 Fixes an issue where network roaming would cause Firezone to become unresponsive.
#7263 Mitigates a crash in case the maximum packet size is not respected.
#7265 Prevents re-connections to the portal from hanging for longer than 5s.
Handles DNS queries over TCP correctly.
#7152 Adds always-on error reporting using sentry.io.
#7164 Fixes an issue where Firezone would fail to establish connections to Gateways and the user had to sign-out and in again.
#6831 Ensures Firefox doesn't attempt to use DNS over HTTPS when Firezone is active.
#6845 Fixes connectivity issues on idle connections by entering an always-on, low-power mode instead of closing them.
#6857 MacOS: sends hardware's UUID for device verification.
#6857 iOS: sends Id for vendor for device verification.
#6809 Fixes a bug where non-wildcard DNS resources were not prioritised over wildcard ones (e.g. `app.example.com` vs `*.example.com`).
#6788 Fixes an issue where some browsers may fail to route DNS Resources correctly.
#6765 Fixes a bug where DNS PTR queries by the system did not get answered.
#6722 Fixes a routing bug when one of several overlapping CIDR resources gets disabled / removed.
Improves logging for DNS queries when firezone_tunnel=trace log level is used.
#6632 (macOS) Fixes a bug where the addressDescription wasn't fully displayed in the macOS menu bar if it exceeded a certain length.
#6679 (macOS) Displays a notification when a new version is available.
#6521 Gracefully handles cases where the device's local interface IPv4/IPv6 address or local network gateway changes while the client is connected.
#6518 Minor improvements to the look of the internet resource and makes the Internet resource off by default.
#6406 Shows the Git SHA corresponding to the build on the Settings -> Advanced screen.
#6424 Fixes a bug where packets would be lost when a connection is first established to a Gateway due to routes being updated with no actual change.
#5901 Implements glob-like matching of domains for DNS resources.
#6186 Adds the ability to mark Resources as favorites.
#6361 Connections to Gateways are now sticky for the duration of the Client's session. This fixes potential issues maintaining long-lived TCP connections to Gateways in a high-availability setup.
#6276 Fixes a bug where relayed connections failed to establish after an idle period.
#6277 Fixes a bug where restrictive NATs caused connectivity problems.
#6181 Improves reliability of DNS resolution of non-resources.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
#5901 Implements glob-like matching of domains for DNS resources.
#6361 Connections to Gateways are now sticky for the duration of the Client's session. This fixes potential issues maintaining long-lived TCP connections to Gateways in a high-availability setup.
#6276 Fixes a bug where relayed connections failed to establish after an idle period.
#6277 Fixes a bug where restrictive NATs caused connectivity problems.
#6107 Adds the ability to mark Resources as favorites.
#6181 Improves reliability of DNS resolution of non-resources.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.
This is a maintenance release with no user-facing changes.