Distribute Clients


Firezone provides native clients for all major platforms. Use these clients on end-user devices, servers, and any other machine that needs access to your protected Resources.


See our client app guides for basic installation and usage instructions for the Firezone Client that are appropriate for all Firezone users. Or continue reading below for MDM deployment and headless mode instructions suited for Firezone admins wishing to deploy the clients at scale across their organization.

Provision with MDM

Provisioning the Firezone client onto end-user devices should work out of the box using any of the major MDM vendors using the appropriate distribution method below. If you find an exception, please open a GitHub issue so we can prioritize appropriately.

PlatformDistribution Method
Android / ChromeOSThe Android / ChromeOS client is available exclusively from the Google Play Store.
LinuxThe headless and GUI Linux clients are available from our changelog page.
macOS / iOSThe macOS and iOS clients are available exclusively from the Apple App Store.
WindowsThe Windows client is available as a standalone MSI installer from our changelog page.

Headless mode operation

The Firezone Client can run in headless mode on Linux, Android, and ChromeOS platforms using a Service Account token. This mode is useful for deploying the Client on servers, IoT devices, and other headless devices where a user may not be present to keep the Client authenticated.

See the table below for achieving headless mode operation on each platform:

PlatformHeadless Mode Operation
Android / ChromeOSSet the token key using an MDM provider that supports Android managed configurations. If the token is set and valid, Firezone will automatically connect and authenticate using this token when the Client is started.
LinuxSet the FIREZONE_TOKEN and FIREZONE_ID environment variables when running the Client binary.
macOS / iOSNot yet supported.
WindowsNot yet supported.

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Last updated: July 23, 2024