Linux Headless Client

Headless Clients are designed to authenticate with long-lived service account tokens to enable system-to-system connectivity where a user isn't present to authenticate with your identity provider interactively.

If you're looking for a desktop Client that authenticates with your identity provider instead, see the Linux GUI Client.


  • Any Linux-based OS with kernel 3.10 or higher
  • ARM64, ARMv7l, or x86_64 CPU
  • Administrator access to your Firezone account in order to create a service account and generate a token
  • Root access or sudo for Split DNS


Download the Linux headless Client from our changelog page, or use one of the direct links below:

Mark the binary as executable:

chmod +x firezone-client-headless-linux_1.0.0_x86_64


Signing in

Headless Clients require a service account token to authenticate to Firezone. You can generate a token using the instructions in the service account documentation.

Once you have a token, you can start the Client using the following command:

sudo FIREZONE_TOKEN=<TOKEN> ./firezone-client-headless-linux_1.0.0_x86_64
sudo is required to control the system's DNS.

Set some environment variables to configure it:

export FIREZONE_NAME="Development API test client"
export FIREZONE_ID=$(uuidgen)
export LOG_DIR="./"
sudo -E ./firezone-client-headless-linux_1.0.0_x86_64

See below for a full list of environment variables.

Accessing a Resource

When Firezone is signed in, HTTP clients, SQL clients, and other programs will automatically use it to securely connect to Resources.

Split DNS

By default, Split DNS is enabled for the Linux headless Client as of version 1.1.5.

To disable Split DNS for the Linux Client, set the FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL environment variable to disabled.

To control /etc/resolv.conf directly, set FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL to etc-resolv-conf.

Read more below to figure out which DNS control method is appropriate for your system.


On most modern Linux distributions, DNS resolution is handled by systemd-resolved. If this is the case for you, do not set FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL. If you're not sure whether you use systemd-resolved, you can check by running the following command:

systemctl status systemd-resolved

Ensure that /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf:

# Check if /etc/resolv.conf is already a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf
stat /etc/resolv.conf

# If it's not, create the symlink
sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/
sudo mv /etc/ /etc/resolv.conf


In most cases, if you're using NetworkManager your system already uses systemd-resolved, and you should leave FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL unset, which will use the default systemd-resolved DNS control method.

When NetworkManager detects that symlink exists, it will automatically use systemd-resolved for DNS resolution and no other configuration is necessary.


If you're not using systemd-resolved, Firezone supports using the /etc/resolv.conf file to configure Split DNS as a fallback. To do this, set FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL to etc-resolv-conf, and the Linux Client will override the /etc/resolv.conf file with the Firezone internal proxy.

When the Linux Client process exits, it will revert the /etc/resolv.conf file back to its original state. If for some reason this isn't the case, you can easily restore it by running the following command:

sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf.before-firezone /etc/resolv.conf

Read more about how DNS works in Firezone.

Environment variable reference

Variable NameDefault ValueDescription
FIREZONE_TOKENService account token generated by the portal to authenticate this Client.
FIREZONE_NAME<system hostname>Friendly name for this client to display in the UI.
FIREZONE_IDIdentifier used by the portal to identify this client for metadata and display purposes.
FIREZONE_DNS_CONTROL(blank)The DNS control method to use. The default is systemd-resolved. Set this to disabled to disable DNS control, or etc-resolv-conf to use the /etc/resolv.conf file. Do not use etc-resolv-conf if /etc/resolv.conf is not a regular file, e.g. if it's a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf
LOG_DIRFile logging directory. Should be a path that's writeable by the current user. If unset, logs will be written to stdout only.
RUST_LOGerrorLog level for the client. Set to debug for verbose logging. Read more about configuring Rust log levels here.

Help output

> sudo ./firezone-client-headless-linux_1.0.0_x86_64 -h

Usage: firezone-headless-client [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

          Check the configuration and return 0 before connecting to the API
      --token-path <TOKEN_PATH>
          A filesystem path where the token can be found [env: FIREZONE_TOKEN_PATH=] [default: /etc/dev.firezone.client/token]
      --firezone-name <FIREZONE_NAME>
          Friendly name for this client to display in the UI [env: FIREZONE_NAME=]
  -i, --firezone-id <FIREZONE_ID>
          Identifier used by the portal to identify and display the device [env: FIREZONE_ID=]
  -l, --log-dir <LOG_DIR>
          File logging directory. Should be a path that's writeable by the current user [env: LOG_DIR=]
  -m, --max-partition-time <MAX_PARTITION_TIME>
          Maximum length of time to retry connecting to the portal if we're having internet issues or it's down. Accepts human times. e.g. "5m" or "1h" or "30d" [env: MAX_PARTITION_TIME=]
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version


  1. Download a newer binary from one of the links above.
  2. Stop the running Client.
  3. Replace the existing binary with the new one.
  4. Start the Client with the same environment variables as before.

Diagnostic logs

Firezone writes log files to disk. These logs stay on your computer and are not transmitted anywhere. If you encounter a bug, sending us the files may help us fix the bug.


  1. Stop the running Client
  2. Delete the binary


Check if Firezone is controlling DNS with systemd-resolved DNS

resolvectl dns

Firezone Split DNS:

Link 2 (enp0s6): fec0::3
Link 3 (tun-firezone): fd00:2021:1111:8000:100:100:111:0

Normal system DNS:

Link 2 (enp0s6): fec0::3

Check if Firezone is controlling DNS with /etc/resolv.conf

Firezone Split DNS:

# BEGIN Firezone DNS configuration
# If you modify this file, delete the above magic header line so that Firezone will
# obey your new default DNS config.
# If you see this text and Firezone is not running, then the last run of Firezone crashed.
# The original `resolv.conf` is backed up at /etc/resolv.conf.before-firezone
search .
options edns0
options trust-ad

Normal system DNS:


Check if Firezone is being used

Check if curl reports a remote IP in Firezone's range when you connect to a Resource:

> curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out %{remote_ip}\\n

Firezone resources use the ranges and fd00:2021:1111:8000::/107.

Revert /etc/resolv.conf DNS control

The systemd-resolved method reverts by itself when Firezone closes. However, the etc-resolv-conf method can fail to revert if Firezone crashes.

Starting and stopping Firezone gracefully will cause it to try reverting /etc/resolv.conf.

You can manually revert with:

sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf.before-firezone /etc/resolv.conf

Known issues

None at this time

Need additional help?

See all support options or try asking on one of our community-powered support channels:

Or try searching the docs:
Found a problem with this page? Open an issue
Last updated: September 25, 2024