Firezone provides a REST API for programmatic access to your account. The API features endpoints for managing your entire Firezone account end-to-end, so you can achieve virtually any workflow you can perform in the admin portal.

The API is currently in beta. This means the Firezone team may introduce breaking changes as we work to improve it. The beta label will be lifted when the API stabilizes towards 1.0.

Getting started

To get started with the API, you'll need to request access from the Settings -> API Clients section of the admin portal. That will send a notification to the Firezone team to enable the API for your account.

When the API is enabled, generate an API Client from the page where you requested access, then generate an API Token and use it to authenticate your requests.


We publish an OpenAPI spec for the API that you can use to generate client libraries or explore the API interactively. You can download the spec at or view the spec with a Swagger UI web interface at

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Last updated: September 05, 2024